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"Transformation isn’t a future event,
it is a present day activity."


Heritage & Belonging organizes webinars, seminars and summits of social value - from concept to implementation and execution. We specialize in developing and creating events around themes related to diversity, equality and inclusion.

An event can have different goals: motivate, deepen and inspire relationships, share or showcase knowledge, promote expertise, contribute to a social cause, or create support for a culture change to stimulate well-being, creativity and innovative capacity. 


As an organization, together with our Changemakers and Amplifiers, we offer a valuable interpretation of corporate and staff events, both online, on site and hybrid. Wondering what Heritage & Belonging can do for your event organization?


Discover some of the impactful social events we have created with our clients, and some we have developed ourselves.

Image by Filipp Romanovski


Our webinars we offer you an online program guided by our Changemakers who will give a new perspective when it comes to DE&I , Belonging & Change.


All our webinars are tailor made from start to finish, where we offer you our unique H&B Magazine as a lasting memory.



Our seminars give you the opportunity to have a live experience with our Changermakers. This brings an extra dimension to the event and gives the audience the opportunity to interact with our speakers.


We also like to give the stage to artists who can support the topics and theme of the event on a different frequency. This way we create an true intersectional event. 



Our summits offer the opportunity to bring together specialist groups, in which a deep dive into a specific topic and sharing of knowledge play an important role. 


The Changemakers and Amplifiers are there to inspire and educate the audience. Finally, our summits are also all about networking and community building


Webinar Series -  Intersectional thinking

Is your organization developing DE&I strategy? Do you want to invest in education? Is there a need to increase awareness? Sign up for the webinar series ”INTERSECTIONAL THINKING”. 


This is a webinar series consisting of four parts in which the theme of Intersectionality is the common thread. This webinar offers organizations the opportunity to invest in education and awareness. Of course, the webinars are customized as much as possible. This can therefore be an entry level, but can also be an in-depth study of the subject of intersectionality.

Webinar #1 - Intro intersectional thinking 

Webinar #2 - An Intersectional Human 

Webinar #3 - An Intersectional Business 

Webinar #4 - An Intersectional society 

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